Tag Archives: Karaoke in Austin

Bieber Karaoke King

So it seems that almost everybody is coming down with Bieber Fever these days, and one case is so bad that it’s making a fan believe that The Biebs fathered her child. I feel almost certain that the story is fabricated, but I think reading the paternity results on Maury Povich would be awesome. “Justin, you ARE NOT the father,” Maury would say. Anyway, let’s get back to Bieber Fever.

After watching the above Google Chrome ad, featuring Justin Bieber’s meteoric rise to stardom, I have to admit, I myself came down with a case of Bieber Fever. What can I say? It’s an awesome story.

What I’ve learned about Bieber Fever is that it’s kind-of like the common cold. There are lots of different strands, and some cases are more severe than others. My Bieber Fever probably topped out at a mild 100 degrees, whereas this epic karaoke artist was probably running a whopping 108 degree fever with a bad case of Ebola when he came up to sing Justin Bieber’s Baby  last week at Ego’s in Austin, Texas.

There is no cure for Bieber Fever, but symptoms can be treated by watching this performance; side effects include a case of the giggles and tears.

I wish Google Creative Labs had this footage when they were editing the above spot.

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